Saturday, March 30, 2013

Paleo Day 3

I can not say enough how much I love Google and the fact that I live in Austin, TX, which is always on one of the "fittest cities" list!!! I've googled Paleo eating in Austin and wow!! The options of places to dine out or grocery shop are amazing!! I'm going on day 3 today and have no headache, I don't have any tired feelings, my leg muscles are a bit sore from my running, but that's expected. I was running super late this morning so didn't have much time to pack my lunch, but thanks to google, I was able to find a blog that has so many different dine out paleo options, Paleo Eating in Austin. I made the choice of Fire bowl Cafe today and WOW, it was SO DELICIOUS. I'm a HUGE rice person, I could eat cups and cups of rice on it's own and be quite content, but I omitted the rice today, in favor of salad greens with my order, I didn't even miss the rice or the fortune cookie at the end! :)

Handful of grape tomatoes

Firebowl Cafe
-Veggie Spring Mix
-Red curry sauce
-Salad Greens

-left over beef roast
-seedless cucumber
-grape tomatoes

1 Organic banana

There is no running on my workout list today, just the hot yoga class, so I'm limiting the amount of fruit today to a banana and probably some with dinner. But I don't have any headache, I'm not lethargic, I actually feel GREAT!!

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