Tuesday, August 28, 2012

90 day, Week 1, Day 3

Wow, I woke up SORE!! I haven't been this sore in months!! I definitely know the program is targeting and waking up muscles that have been sleeping for too long!!! I misread the "schedule" and did workout #1 again, when today was supposed to be a double cardio day, but it's not a big deal, I'll just substitute tomorrow to be my double cardio day.

70 mins of spinning at Lifetime fitness
Workout #1
-Today the planks were killing me!! I did fall to my knees a couple of times during the plank, but I got back up and kept at it. I've been using 5lb handweights and I definitely need to get a pair of 8 and possibly 10lb weights. I also still haven't logged my "starting" measurements, so I definitely need to get those done tomorrow! I am one of those girls that weigh themselves every morning. I know that's not the way to track getting healthy, but I definitely want to drop actual pounds and tone up! Anyway that's my status for today..


90 Day Total Body Revolution

  • Phase 1, Workout 1, Week 1


  • 70 mins spinning class (Lifetime Fitness, 6pm class)

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